Employment Assistance Program

Connecting Job Seekers & Employers To Better Our Community
Any Job Seeker will tell you that looking for work is really hard work. Our goal here is to help you find that new job as quickly as possible. We encourage Job Candidates to sign up and upload your resume. We want to be another member of your Job Hunting team. All work becomes easier when you have others helping you. Our Employment Assistance Program is just one of the many ministry outreaches of Squash Patch Farms Ministries. Our ministry goal and objective is to help make a difference in the lives of those living in our community. Our primary service area is the Prescott, Prescott Valley, Dewey/Humbolt, Chino Valley & Paulden area in ArizonaWe want job seekers and employers to connect directly. No fancy bells and whistles, just results. There are no charges for any of the services our various Community Outreach Programs provide. See our Contact Page for our contact information. View Current Job Openings

Job Candidates
Send us your resume. We would like to get to know you. Getting your resume into the hands of those who really want to help you find that new job can make all the difference. Whether you are actively seeking employment or keeping your career options open, there are benefits with having a connection with those who can help you make the right connections and guide you in your Job Seeking experience. We take the time to approach every job seeker individually and offer an unique, personalized customer experience. Submitting your resume is just the first step in forming an exceptional connection - we know that there's more to you than a list of jobs and accomplishments on a document. Once you’ve submitted your resume, we’ll reach out to you, give you a call, to obtain any other information needed. Sometimes it's beneficial to meet in our office when that appears appropriate for your specific situation. Helping you find that right job is a team effort. Working together that new job is easier to find. If you want your job search to be as stress-free as possible? The quickest way to get the ball rolling in helping you find that new job is to Send Us Your Resume to either spfmjobbank@gmail.com OR squashpatchfarms@gmail.com.  You may also upload your Resume HerePreferred Resume formats: DOC, DOCX, TEXT or PDF.

Employers are encouraged to let us know about Job Openings they currently have available. Our goal revolves around our motto: Connecting Qualified Job Candidates With Good Employers. Although Employers are more than welcome to call us at either 928-215-0863 or 928-636-4224 with their Job Opening, Emailing us your Job Opening speeds up the process considerably. Please place "Job Opening" in the Subject. We receive hundreds of emails daily and we don't want yours getting lost. 

Please include in your email:

Primary Company's Information: 

Company Name: 
Contact Person's Name: 

Job Opening Information:
Job Title: 
When Will The Job Opening Become Available (Date): 
Job Opening Location (City/Town): 
Job Qualifications:
Any Other Pertinent Information:

Should we have any additional questions, we will contact you. As Qualified Potential Job Candidates become available, we will get the both of you connected.

We make the connection, you as the employer make the hiring decision. With a little less work. Please Let Us Know When You Have Filled This Position.