Community Neighbors Helping Neighbors Project

Over the years we have had we have had many folks who wanted to become a part of the Food Connect Program and help us in our outreach to see that no man, woman or child in our community ever had to go to bed hungry. They wanted to be part of helping make a positive change in the lives of those our Lord sends to us. For most of these folks they either had limited time, limited ability to help physically or limited resources of some king.

After much prayer and our Lord’s guidance, He gave us the “Community Neighbors Helping Neighbors Project”. Participating in the Project is very easy and simple. Just send us an email to with "Join Project" as the Subject. We will send you an email that explains the different ways in which you can become involved. Of course, you can always call us 928-215-0863 or 928-636-4224 or use the Contact Form on our website.