For many folks, keeping track of their financial activities is, to say the least, not one of their favorite jobs. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know where your income is coming from. Keeping track where that money is going however is another matter. Unless you have and can afford a CPA, Accountant or some other Financial Advisor, having a good handle on how and where your money is being spent can quickly get out of hand. This can and does often result in problems. The simple fact is that unless you have a good handle and understanding and record of your financial activities, you really don't have the information needed to make future financial decisions.
The fact is that there are some folks that just aren't good at the concept of keeping records. There are also folks that for a variety of reasons have a very difficult time handling any form of personal bookkeeping. For example: health issues or health related limitations can make this task very difficult if not impossible. There are other reasons I won't be going into at present.
Here is another fact. Those who like the job of tracking and documenting (bookkeeping) all their financial activities (expenses) are in the minority, at least from my experience. Here at the ministry, we deal with folks who find themselves in a host of problems. Often these problems revolve around their financial situation and financial activities. Of course some of them have become unemployed or are unable to hold down jobs but a surprising number of folks we see have some sort of income but because they really don't have a clue as to where their money is going - spent. Because of this, the money runs out long before the month does and they find themselves in trouble.
I know you may be thinking that this is caused by not budgeting their money and in a way you are correct. The problem however is really the fact that unless you are keeping track of what you are spending, neither can you create and stay on a budget nor can you expect to not have problems.
Our goal here at Squash Patch Farms Ministry is to help those in need in our community. This goes beyond just our Food Assistance program. Having identified a situation, issue or problem, we strive to bring about a remedy. That is why we have added another new service our of the ministry.
We call this new service our Personal Financial Organization Service.
Our Personal Financial Organization Service provides each
of our Client with a detailed record about their income and spending
activities, broken down by category, on a Monthly basis as well as a Current To
Date basis. Each month each of our clients receives a combined, easy to read
and understand, To Date & Monthly Recap Income & Expenditure Report
that will be delivered, either in person or via email to the Client. This
allows each client to know from where their income is coming from and how much
And to know where it is going.
Check out our Services Page for more details information.