For those who have been reading our blog for some time, they have noticed a change in our blog posts. During the winter months when work outside or in the fields is impractical, I post almost daily posts that are of a devotional nature. At this time of the year, there is so much to do in relationship to the planting season all the way through harvest, that my day starts at 4:30 AM and runs usually until dark. This simply doesn't leave much time for writing. However, when there isn't anything major going on here or I have a slow day, I like to keep our readers updated and informed.
Like I mentioned in our last post, we have everything planted for this years growing and distribution season. Almost all the crops have germinated but aren't really big enough to show up in photos yet. It will probably be a week or two before they will be big enough to show up in photos. I'll post photos as soon as there is really something to see.
As usual, this time of year is a bit of a very busy waiting period. Even after the fields are prepared and the crops planted, there is still a lot to do every day. Irrigation, weed control (one thing we always have plenty of in Chino is weeds) and of course general repairs - on a farm, there is always something that is in need of repair. One of the unwritten laws of any farm is "something is always going to break, wear out or otherwise quit working".
Staying busy is never a problem, for example, today we erected all the trellises for the pole beans and tomato's. That took most of the day. They are predicting rain for tomorrow (I give thanks for rain whenever the Lord sends it our way), so it looks like I'll be forced to catch up on paperwork tomorrow. Oh well, it has to be done sometime.
Of course there is always the normal things associated with a food assistance program going on. One thing there is never a shortage of are individuals and families who find themselves in need of help from time to time. One of my biggest prayers is that situation would change and there would be no need for Squash Patch Farms Ministry. The Word says, "the poor we will always have with us", so I don't think we can expect that the situation will change until our Lord's return.